Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gearing up for conferences

These are the last weeks before my next conference trip, and I'm busy making posters for Behavior '11 and the Gordon Neuroethology meeting. I'm very excited! This week I found some time to take a few new photos of my spiders with the GF-1. I really love this camera, but was a bit unsure about shooting macro with it ... my current setup with a telephoto lens and a clip-on raynox macro converter works okay, but it's extremely hard to get good shots at higher magification. Definitely useable as poster eye candy though :-) But the next investment will definitely be a proper macro lens + flash.


  1. Very nice shots. I love to pose on the first one. Such great animals

  2. thanks! Sometimes it really cracks me up how they just HAVE to know what's going on :-)

  3. They have a similar illusory personality as stomatopods. It's all in the eye and head movements.
